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So, you’ve been on a similar journey to me concerning ADHD. I read something online about Executive Dysfunction a couple of years ago that resonated so much with my life and how I’ve just been floating through it (I’m 50 now). I have a psychiatrist that I had already been seeing, but it’s been slow going for him to commit to a diagnosis one way or another (I’m like 99% sure I have it), and we’ve talked about trying medication, but he keeps putting up roadblocks. Anyway, in addition to your reading, I have a couple of podcasts to recommend. The I Have ADHD podcast is a great resources for explanations and real life stories of the host and her journey. And the ADHD Nerds podcast seems to focus on productivity. Both are on IG if you want to follow them. Also, The Vibe with Ky podcast has recently had some episodes about ADHD, as the host was recently diagnosed, and has just started on meds, and he’s been documenting some of it on the pod. Good luck!

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